Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Massive Fish Kill in Gulf Caused by "Dead Zone," Oil?

Apparently, a large group of fish was found floating dead in a Louisiana marsh. They were discovered Friday in  Bayou Chaland area of Plaquemines Parish. Experts are saying that it was due to an annual low oxygen "dead zone", but that the oil spill in the Gulf attributed to there death as well says Prosanta Chakrabarty, a fish biologist from Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. Brown stuff was discovered floating around the fish, and is believed to be oil, according to experts. He also states that agricultural runoff accounts for the nutrients that aided the expansion of "oxygen-hungry algae". The added oxygen snuffing bacteria from the Gulf spill made the "dead zone" worse. The fish had no chance and died due to suffocation, or so the experts say. Becoming isolated at times, the body of water where the fish were trapped had a low tide, therefore the fish were stuck, says Olivia Watkins from Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Further testing must be done in order to prove these hypothesis.
Basically these experts are blaming the agricultural runoff and the oil spill for the death of these fish. they blame pollution for everything, and now their saying that all of these combined killed these fish. NOT saying i dont care these fish died, or to find out exactly how, but really...these fish would have died anyway. They would have been eaten by us or other fish. Thats just the way the cycle of life goes...Now if the oil spill and the agricultural spill was the problem then it must be fixed. However, the marsh had a low tide...Olivia Watkins said so herself. So the fish, which there were many, could have died naturally from that. But the oil and added nutrients from the agricultural runoff just added to the decrease in oxygen. So either way there was a problem...and hopefully these experts find out what exactly it was so that perhaps it can be fixed.

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